
Editorial Policy

You and Your Hormones is committed to providing scientifically accurate, evidence-based information on hormones and hormone-related conditions.


All scientific and medical information on the website is provided by scientists and medical doctors who specialise in endocrinology.  The development and review of material for the website is overseen by the Society for Endocrinology’s Public Engagement Committee. Day-to-day management of the site is carried out by the Society’s communications team.

Writing and reviewing of content

The scientific and medical content of You and Your Hormone is written by members of the Society for Endocrinology, or occasionally other endocrinologists who are well regarded in their field.

Each article is edited by the Society’s communications team for style and tone.

A minimum of two external reviewers, qualified in the relevant area, review each article.  Any discrepancies are referred to the Society’s public engagement committee to be resolved.

Existing content is then reviewed every 2-3 years - or sooner if new findings or guidelines become available in particular areas. 

News section

These items reflect hormone research and practice that are reported in the mainstream media. They are not meant to be a comprehensive round-up of the latest developments in endocrinology.


The resources listed on Your and Your Hormones are designed to be used by teachers in the classroom or as outreach activities. These activities have been successfully used by the Society for Endocrinology’s members or staff. Every effort has been made to ensure these activities can be effectively replicated as described.

External links

We will only link to websites that provide scientifically accurate and verifiable health and science information. However we cannot accept responsibility for the content of third party websites and the provision of a link should not be interpreted as endorsement of that website/organisation.

Please note, we do not provide links to commercial sites or to sites for individual hospitals or clinics. We reserve the right to refuse to link to any website that we do not consider suitable for inclusion.